Aborting Personal Responsibility

Declaration Of Terms:
For the purposes of this column I will use the broader, vile term "liberal" to mean "one that is
pro-choice" since it is an apparent litmus test
used to call oneself a liberal. If there is a Pro-Life liberal that has not been eaten alive by his own party then let him show himself and be recognized for the true freak of nature that he is. Oh - and "moderates" don't count since the word "moderate" is a derivative of the French word "weenie" meaning "complacent, gutless, fence riding wonder who fears confrontation and lacks conviction"

Anyone who has given a Christmas gift and heard the "...Awww, but I didn't get you anything..." response knows the joy of giving for the sake of giving - "the gift of giving". Those that help someone in need feel good about doing a good deed and acting selflessly - especially if they were not prompted to do so. Everyone likes this feeling and it's good karma to practice selfless acts. Liberals, however, appear to be addicted to this feeling and have adopted many "causes" in which they can "help others" by speaking for those who cannot speak (animals, trees, even "mother earth"), and help those who cannot help themselves (the bums, hobos, mentally ill & the drug addicts AKA the homeless). They have adopted a very self righteous attitude about it. There are endless examples of their need to do good and to make life better for their beneficiaries. They are organized: PETA, Greenpeace, the EPA, etc. They have causes like "Homelessness, Save The Whale, Save The Spotted Owl, etc. They are activists with activities like Tree Hugging, Anti-Fur/blood dousing attacks, protests against animal experimentation, etc. They insure that they not only make life better for their recipients - but even protect and save their lives in some cases.

Even "Mother Earth" has been given "life like" qualities with James Lovelock's absurd Gaia theory - Earth as a living organism. What is the hypothesis of Gaia? Stated simply, the idea is that we may have discovered a living being bigger, more ancient, and more complex than anything from our wildest dreams. That being, called Gaia, is the Earth. Earth must be kept healthy, thus Earth Day. Whatever...

(This is reminiscent of The Lorax By Dr. Seuss. Did you ever read that Earth Day, liberal, indoctrinating P.O.S.? "I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees". Read it again with adult eyes. A Seuss fan I usually am. Cat in the Hat and Fox in Sox are pure genius but some sins are just unforgivable.)

What do all of these "causes" have in common? They are groups of liberals that have chosen to speak for groups that cannot speak for themselves. They are the holy self appointed ombudsmen of the voiceless. The lives and condition of life, for those that they defend is very important - even, dare I say, sacred. Ok, then why are liberals Pro-Abortion? (They prefer "Pro-Choice" - as if that makes the result any different).

For Plant and Animal (read: non-human) life they offer the following arguments:

"We're speaking for those that can't speak for themselves!"

"We're helping the helpless!"

"They'll go extinct and we'll be responsible - life is sacred! What right do you have!?"

And my personal favorite "It/They must be protected for future generations"

When Pro-Lifers use these very same arguments about human life they act like WE'RE extreme! Why? Only the object of the argument changed - from plant/animal life to human life! Why?! It's the SAME argument! How on earth can they not understand our argument?

Because pregnancy is inconvenient, that's why. The undeniable fact is that, left alone to develop, a fetus, like it or not, far more often than not, will develop into a baby - a new human person. Period. But having a baby right now inconveniences them personally and intrudes into their own "personal space". Whoa! Dude! 'Tis true - a baby will put a real harsh on your mellow...huh huh... Liberals oppose anything that has (what they view as) a personal consequence. And THAT is what makes them hypocrites.

The only single explanation for this duplicity is pure selfishness. "I want what I want, when I want it, and you can't tell me any differently". They argue about the poor quality of life for unwanted children, abuse, birth defects, life only begins at birth, etc. but that's all just rationalization. Babies are being born 3-4 months premature (sometimes even earlier) and living very normal lives. How can life begin only "at birth" when you can induce labor and deliver the baby at almost any time? Granted, generally, the later the delivery date the better - but still a good point. A baby born today could very well have come yesterday. Was it not "alive" yesterday? Not the same "person"? Simple "tissue" yesterday, but certainly a child today? Regardless, the "where-does-life-begin" argument overshadows, for me, what is the real issue here: Personal responsibility for ones actions - and that is what liberals are avoiding with abortions. Like a vampire avoiding holy water, liberals will do anything, anything, to avoid the horror, the burning, the blistering, the misery of personally responsibility.

Women have always had a choice: The choice to not get pregnant in the first place. But once they are pregnant is it a "choice" to destroy what was created? Is it murder? Certainly, at the very, very least, it is an irresponsible, evasive & cowardly cop out. I guess some call it "choice". Whether you believe "it" is a life, a person, a soul or whatever does not matter (that is, for this part of my argument). I am speaking of a sequence of events and a responsibility to live with the consequences of your actions. Liberals never want to do this so they rationalize and explain to you why they don't have to have any consequences for their actions at all.

Liberals say that pro-lifers are too naïve - that there have always been and will always be abortions. That's a topic for another rant. But even if true how do you go from that point to actively subsidizing this behavior. All barriers have been removed for women seeking abortions. There is no social stigma associated with it anymore and there are entire clinics set up for just this activity. That's apparently not enough. Nope. Now we have public money to fund it.

I have no illusion of changing the world overnight but is it too much to ask that the government not take my money from me (forcefully, I might add) and spend it on this horrific orgy of irresponsible behavior?: The correcting of the irresponsible actions of others with publicly funded abortions.

I don't want to be forced - by my government - to support any such actions much less pay for other peoples abortions. It should be an embarrassment to you to have anyone else forced to pay for your mistakes (hell, it should be illegal!) and then have the solution be another mistake. Women with one abortion under their belt (so to speak) should be ashamed of taking public money. Not to mention women with 2, 3 or more abortions racked up. People who act like this should be ashamed of their behavior and modestly grateful to anyone who does help them in any way. I feel they are neither. Don't misunderstand me, I feel abortion is wrong regardless of who is paying for it but you can make a much better "privacy" and "it's my body" case to me if you are not taking my money for "your body".

While you may want to argue with me about whether abortion is killing or not, when life begins, etc. you certainly can't argue that abortion (especially publicly funded) is a character trait of responsible people - people who are dealing with the consequences of their actions in a responsible way. Then again, perhaps you can - doing so would make you a liberal.

Next week: Even More Haiku!

Gas prices are down
Big Oil is not so bad
No one will thank Bush