It's a Snake. It will Bite You.

I have been trying to address the peacenik mentality for weeks now and every time I try to write about their views and try to argue their vague points I feel like I am trying to explain the color periwinkle blue to a blind man. Simply put: This politically correct talk of War has to stop. Period. Political Correctness is a luxury of full stomachs.

Members of the PC crowd can feel that way because they have the liberty and leisure to do so without a real test of their views and convictions. These people have been tolerated in the past because the rest of us have also had full stomachs and have been able to tolerate their benign appearing incrementalism and chewing down of American esteem. But no more.

The thin veil covering this charade has been lifted now and things made very clear - to most people at least. Truth and plain talk are making a comeback and are once again in vogue. Heroes are real men with real jobs - not movie stars. Men are allowed to be Men again - and praised for it. Those that do not support defending America are now highlighted for what they truly are - anti-American. Pompous Cowards at best (new definition of PC?) - clinging to old "Give Peace a Chance" and "It's America's Fault" clichés. Anti-American activists derailing the defense of America at worst. They offer no solutions and stop at the phrase "He must be brought to justice" but cannot detail how that could possibly be done without the use of force. Coalitions, police actions, non-existent world courts and the United Nations can't do what an army can do. That's why we have an army. "Violence never solves anything" Really? I think violence solves a LOT of things - and ought to. That's why policemen carry guns. That's why Hitler was stopped. Violence does solve things and I thank God that it does! This is all so simple - so pedantic. We live in a dangerous world and there is always a wolf at the door. Force is good. Force works. In all of my searching for appropriate and complete examples to offer the peaceniks I have found none better than this parable:

Side Note On the UN: Does anybody see a problem with the US being dictated to by a bunch of smaller countries who, in their hundreds of years of existence, have not been able to achieve the level of success and defense of human rites, and global charity that the US has. The re-inventors of democracy (America) should of course relate to other nations but let's not forget who is the real leader here and why many of these nations are even around to participate in the first place.

The Parable of the Snake
A girl was walking along a path in the forest when she heard a snake cry out to her, "I'm so cold. I'm so cold. Won't you help me?" She remembered the warnings she heard about this kind of snake. It was poisonous and one bite could end her life. She told the snake, "No. You are very dangerous. You will bite me!" "You are so kind and pretty, I would never bite you! I promise!" he exclaimed. "I am not like other snakes. Please put me in your coat until I am warm. I will be no trouble at all!" She picked up the snake and after a little while the girl felt a stabbing pain in her side. She opened her coat, and the snake dropped to the ground. As she felt the poison begin to take over her body, she asked him, "Why did you bite me? You promised you wouldn't!" "Ah, yes," said the snake, as it quickly slithered away. "But you knew what I was when you picked me up!" "But now you'll freeze! You'll die - where's the logic in that?'' replied the girl. The snake called back "It has nothing to do with logic, sweetie - It's just my character".

And for the thick headed peaceniks - The Moral According To Damien:

It's a snake. It will bite you. It was a snake yesterday. It will bite you. It has always been a snake. It will bite you. It will be a snake tomorrow. It will bite you. It will always be a snake. It will bite you. You can feed it. It will bite you. You can pet it. It will bite you. You can talk to it. It will bite you. You can show it love. It will bite you. You can reason with it. It will bite you. You can forgive it. It will bite you. You can place yourself between it and your children. It will bite you. You can hate it. It will bite you. You can bring it to justice. It will bite you. You can keep it in a cage. It will bite you. It will bite you. It will bite you. You can kill it. It won't bite you.

For those who want to "understand" the root causes of the biting snake, I hope you won't mind if we first kill it before sucking the poison from your wound and saving you life. What's that you say? You do mind? Must be the poison talking.

**Next week Damien explains other challenging concepts like: "Your car won't run without gas" and "Your thumb hurts because you keep hitting it with a hammer"**