
Every guilty deed
Holds in itself the seed
Of retribution and undying pain.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

You'll have to excuse me but - they all look the same to me. Sitting on my couch watching horrific acts of violence I can't tell the difference between one terrorist group or another. If we find in the coming days that it was someone other than Osama Bin Ladin that did this then please insert the appropriate terrorist organization or country into this piece - it will read the same.

For those who do not know, my parents live in Manhattan near the UN building and thankfully they are both fine. I called my mother after the second plane hit and talked to her for a few minutes - before the phone lines became unavailable. It was extremely troublesome to listen to my crying mother on the phone as she described America's greatest city being turned into a war zone with her in the middle of it and my father still at his office. After my first phone call no one else could get though on the phones but we got several E-mail messages from her describing what she saw: She counted 67 ambulances grid locked in traffic unable to help anyone, smoke everywhere, Navy and Air Force fighter planes in the sky, police boats, people coming into her building covered in ash and blood - everyone crying.

Of course our first response must be to use all of our powers to rescue and care for people - all that goes without saying. That will happen with unmatched resolve that people have not seen since WWII. I am concerned about what comes next - our response to the terrorists.

Every American in the past 200 plus years has contributed to making America the greatest country in the world. They have made America a world power - THE world Power. There have been many defining moments in our history that have contributed to this and the single greatest one was "The Dropping of The Bomb(s)". History revisionists and political correctness have seeped into this event but make no mistake - when we dropped the bomb and unleashed that level of warfare the entire world was watching and they sat bolt upright and understood the way things were - and they way they were going to be. The U.S. was already the leading world power, but we underlined that fact and made it extremely clear to all those who are too stupid (or too crazy) to understand subtlety. As the whole world watched we said in a very loud, clear voice "Do NOT #@%& with us!" That is what war is all about.

Now, I am NOT calling for a nuclear strike on Afghanistan. A "war on terrorism" doesn't quite say it either. Let me be blunt: I am calling for profound, extreme acts of controlled rage aimed at those responsible for this. A response that the world has not yet seen. An American response. I am talking about a scorched earth, extreme over-reaction (if that is even possible). Osama Bin Ladin's head on a plate may be a good start but not nearly enough. Not enough to deter and send the message that needs to be sent. Those countries involved in harboring these terrorists still have training camps and supply depots for these diseased freaks and I believe that we know where most of them are. We have the best equipped army in the world and we should march across the earth and take out all of these installations. Every country had better roll out the red carpet and present these criminals to use the moment we reach their shores or pay the consequences. There is no neutrality in this, no gray area. Zero tolerance. We show up ready to destroy the terrorists and their allies - not to pick them up for trial. Countries who harbor these people should be given 24 hours to produce these terrorist leaders and destroy their camps completely (to our level of satisfaction) or else we will level their countries as we do it ourselves. If this means we destroy Afghanistan, so be it.

Since your enemy always gets strong on what you leave behind, we leave nothing behind. After we obliterate everything that is theirs we salt the earth so that nothing can grow there. That is one monument I want the world to see. One which explains to all, in a very clear, loud voice, the serious way we protect the worlds greatest country and avenge the death of innocent Americans. We make it clear that each and every American life is worth far more than the life of any terrorist or those who assist them. This is the only way you deal with people who win the praises of their God and get to heaven by killing innocent people.

I am certain that the site of the World Trade Center will be turned into a memorial of sorts - and probably rightfully so. But a small, growing piece of me wants us to rebuild the World Trade Center EXACTLY as it was before - perhaps even bigger and more grand than it was. That too can be a symbol of the innocent Americans that were lost there and a symbol of America once again. That's the other monument I want the world to see.

Will my generation only be known for the 5000 Dow and the 200 Nasdaq? Or will we prove that when it really counts Americans are still Americans and willing to step up, lead the free world, and free it from evil once again? Once again the entire world is watching - I wonder what our response will be.