Bad Cold Cuts - a Misappropriation of Flavor

You're biting into a sandwich.  It's thick and juicy.  You made it yourself, just the way you like it.  Lots of mayo.  You get a mouthful of flavor and... Eh.  It's okay.  "Wait." you think to yourself, "This can't be.  I have starved myself for weeks on peanut butter and jelly.  This HAS to be good!" 
You take another big, robust bite. And blah.  Mediocre grizzled turkey taste between two blech bread slices.  And although you'd rather pull a Belushi with a Hard boiled egg, you eat it anyway.

And that's when it hits you.  You bought the standard meat from the counter.  "I'll have a pound of the turkey."  Nothing special in that order.  Nothing special.  That's the root of the problem.  It wasn't the honey turkey.  It wasn't oven roasted.  It wasn't crack baby special, covered in coke and ludes for $48.50 and ounce.  No... It was just turkey with it's all over grayish tan hue.

I should have been a man.  I should have spent the extra $2.50 for flavor. I feel my thrift-shop panties bind as I take another bite.  Well, a least I didn't use a coupon.

* Look for MR. Sweeney's article "The good, the bad, and the poultry." later this week.

**The opinions expressed in Weekly Commentary are those of Mr. Sweeney and his alone.  Any attempt at finding sanity or logic in his rantings are feeble, at best.