Thoughts about Peace and Yomama

(I've decided to skip all the "Where I was"- "What I've been doing?" - "How the tragedy affected me." stuff and just get right to the meat of a subject that has been nippin' at my craw.)

So, peace loving hippies - want to give up. Say we should forgive and let live. You tie dyes truly believe, for some odd reason, that if we were all peaceful and loving that there would be no war. And that the planet would be a peaceful place. And that we could teach the world to love one another by example. Well, yeah, sure. And if we all had money no one would be poor… or what they'd prefer, if we all stopped using money, there would be no rich. Now, while that's a great theory, it falls all to pieces in the real world. People, all over, not just Americans, want what they want, when they want it. Just like you longhairs who run out to the Circle K for a microwave burrito when you have a case of the munchies. That's how the real world works. And hey, hippie mamma, that's where we live. The Real World. Just like your favorite show on the MTV. So, put down your crack pipe, stop searching e-bay for new floor mats for you VW Microbus, and stand behind your country… preferably on a line with a gun. What you folks don't realize is that if you spent as much time fighting the tyranny in the world as you did coloring in the flowers on your protest sign, maybe we could rid the world of this scum and villainy.

While Star Trek assures me that someday we will all live in this Utopian society you keep preaching about, we aren't there yet. And we won't get there while we continue to let people bomb us and kill innocent civilians. So listen up hairy pits. This attack wasn't on "The War Mongering Americans" or the "Big Business Bureaucrats" or the other sides of America that makes you hemp wearers sick- it was on all of us. Even you. So, wake up and smell the coffee. Not counter attacking their ass will only show them that they can do it again. And again. And again. That's why we need to strike back and strike hard. Strike back so hard that they either will not, or can not do this ever again. After we do that, you can go back to Starbucks, get your Mocha Grande Frappe Foamy and remind me that Karl Marx wasn't Zeppo's brother.

Don't even start with me about the "We can't bomb them back into the stone age because they're already in the stone age. They live in rubble. Their country is a mess. We need to take pity on these people." First of all, their country is that way BECAUSE of people like Yomama. (Osama Bin Laden - to hard to type and say - so I will refer to him from now on as Yomama.) It was dudes like that, that decided to bomb the country into heaping piles of rock. Going in and taking out that son of a bitch IS taking pity on these people. Removing the cancer from their society will finally help these people rebuild their civilization. Hopefully this time they'll do it with freedom in mind.

Oh, and I almost forgot about America's contingent that complains about America's innocence being over. Over?! Over?! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No!! Listen folks, we've never been innocent. We've just been dormant… caught up in our own lives making sure Bill from Accounting doesn't win the Survivor Pool. And once again some stooped Neanderthal has decided to awake the Sleeping Giant. I dunno - maybe we're like that neighbor everybody is jealous of. The neighbor that gets toilet papered and ding dong ditched. "You do it. No you do it. I'm not doing it - you do it. Screw it, this time I'm getting the bag of flaming dog poo." And each time we come outside pissed off and hunt down the idiot who thought that a hot foot of flaming turds would teach us a lesson.

I guess I don't know. No one knows the insanity behind why a guy like Yomama would do such a thing. But do you need to know the reason why to stop him from doing it again? How many more people need to be killed and injured before it's okay to step up to the plate? When peace isn't selling, do you decide to lay down and count your losses? I'm as much for loving thy neighbor as the next guy, but when you love your neighbor and he shoots your wife in the head and blows your kids up in a car bomb, do you give him a hug to show him that peace is really a better way? I don't know, maybe you do. I don't. I put a bullet in his skull and watch his evil thoughts disappear through the back of his head and spray against the wall. He may have done it to me, but he won't do it to you or anyone else. Not ever again.

I see Yomama deep in his cave hideout. He's surrounded by his favorite things. His crocheted Hitler Youth pillow, the entire Precious Moments collection from 1978-1984, his Franklin Mint 'Ala Rules' collector plate, his life size portrait of Omar Sherif and his brand new Led Zeppelin 4 CD. He's got it all tucked away in his own "Not So Oval Office" while he's dressed in his Harvard tie and leather S&M outfit - complete with leather penis sheath and nipple chains - prancing around an open pit where he keeps his real doll of George W. Bush screaming, "It puts the lotion on and puts the lotion in the basket!!"

*Look for Mr. Sweeney's article "Mr. Bin Laden, your fifteen minutes are up." later this week.

**The opinions expressed in Weekly Commentary are those of Mr. Sweeney and his alone.  Any attempt at finding sanity or logic in his rantings are feeble, at best.